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Le projet Milieu Intérieur pose un regard inédit sur le système immunitaire humain en examinant les facteurs génétiques et environnementaux contribuant à la variabilité des réponses immunitaires.

Membres du consortium

  • École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne

Voulez-vous en savoir plus sur l'utilisation des données de la cohorte

Les données et les échantillons fournis par la cohorte Milieu Intérieur ont été utilisés dans plusieurs études qui ont permis d'accroître nos connaissances sur les réponses immunitaires.

Collaborations actuelles


  • Standardized high-dimensional spectral cytometry protocol and panels for whole blood immune phenotyping in clinical and translational studies

    Dott, T. et al.


    Flow cytometry is the method of choice for immunophenotyping in the context of clinical, translational, and systems immunology studies. Among the latter, the Milieu Intérieur (MI) project aims at defining the boundaries of a healthy immune response to identify determinants of immune response variation. ...

    Cytometry. Part A
    2024 Feb;105(2):124-138

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  • Smoking changes adaptive immunity with persistent effects

    Saint-André, V. et al.


    Individuals differ widely in their immune responses, with age, sex and genetic factors having major roles in this inherent variability1-6. However, the variables that drive such differences in cytokine secretion-a crucial component of the host response to immune challenges-remain poorly defined. Here we investigated 136 variables and ...

    2024 Feb 14. Online ahead of print.

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  • Dr. Milena Hasan, partner of MI, has been invited to present at the CYTO 2024 conference organized by the International Society for the Advancement of Cytometry

    Dr. Milena Hasan, partner of MI, has been invited to present the spectral cytometry protocol developed by MI, and published in the scientific journal Cytometry A, February 2024, at the CYTO 2024 conference organised by the International Society for the Advancement of Cytometry.

    The conference will take place in Edinburgh, Scotland from May 4th to May 8th.

    • Please find the conference webpage here

    • Please find the publication here

    We wish her a fruitful conference!

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  • New publication – Smoking changes adaptive immunity with persistent effects

    Milieu Intérieur Consortium published on 14th of February 2024 an article in the scientific journal Nature. The work, done by the Milieu Intérieur (MI) Consortium partners, using the data and samples of the MI cohort, explains the short- and long-term effects of smoking on the immune system.

    The publication of this study was the subject of a “News” article and a “News and Views” article in Nature on the day of its publication. The results of this study were broadcast in France on television BFMTV and France 2, on the radio France Inter, and most major journals such as: le Monde, les Echos, le Parisien, Courrier International, etc. Internationally the study has been broadcasted all over the world in major outlets like CNN, Wired, Scientific American, El Pais, India Today, Malaimail,Le Matinand Radio-Canada

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  • Milieu Intérieur welcomes PhD Students (2021-2024)

    In the PhD call held in 2020, 3 projects were selected that aim to leverage the data of the Milieu Intérieur (MI) cohort for understanding immune variability. The MI team welcomes three excellent PhD students who have been funded to work on these projects for 3 years. 

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Voulez-vous en savoir plus sur l'utilisation des données de la cohorte

Les données et les échantillons fournis par la cohorte Milieu Intérieur ont été utilisés dans plusieurs études qui ont permis d'accroître nos connaissances sur les réponses immunitaires.

Collaborations actuelles